When we ask parents about their aspirations for their child’s English language abilities, 'speaking English with confidence' is almost always at the top of their wish list.
Yes, they want their child to read well, have a wide vocabulary and a firm understanding of English grammar, but mostly they want to hear them speak -- and speak with confidence and enjoyment.
We at Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Bhiwadi, ensure all educators help make the transition to speaking English with confidence a little easier for children.
School encompasses variety of strategies, activities and well carved curriculum to enhance the English speaking confidence in children.

Promotion of good reading habits
- English Hour: Cultivating the habit of Reading is very essential. Reading develops creativity, imagination and above all, the mind. We have taken an initiative to inculcate a habit of regular reading in each of our students and have introduced Drop Everything and Read.
- Students are encouraged to read the newspaper which is then followed by a class discussion. A new initiative has been taken up to promote reading habit among children. They are engaged in 15 to 30 mins of reading every day.
- In order to make our students fluent in spoken English, English monitors have been appointed in each section across grades.
Talking Books
Talking books are the focal point of interest and discussion among young children as they get enchanted by a talking pen.
Stories provide children with a context for speaking English. This is especially valuable if they aren’t able to experience an immersive language-learning environment. Storytelling and Puppetry: Puppet theatre is used extensively in early foundation years to promote the art of storytelling to deliver powerful messages related to value education.
Songs and rhymes give children the chance to play with spoken English in a stress-free way. By listening to songs and singing them, children begin to hear the sounds of the language and experiment with the way the mouth works to produce those new sounds.
They notice relationships between words that sound similar through the rhymes at the end of the lines, and how words in combination create rhythm. Speaking and singing while clapping -- a familiar activity in any primary school -- reinforces this understanding.